Air Conditioning

Car Van HGV Air Conditioning Re-gas Recharge Servicing Repairs Goole, near Selby
Did you know that your Air-Con system should be checked regularly? In fact, it is recommended that you should recharge your Air Conditioning system with gas and lubricant every two year to keep it running efficiently. A drop in gas pressure will result in a loss of cooling efficiency as well as making your engine work harder (which, in turn, means more fuel).
By having your car air conditioning serviced at Repair & Restore Bodyshop in Goole, near Selby, you not only protect your health by getting rid of unhealthy bacteria that lives in the system, but you also benefit from much cooler air conditioning.
At Repair & Restore Bodyshop to our fully trained technicians use the latest computerised air conditioning refrigeration R134a and R1234YF equipment to adjust Air Conditioning lubricant and refrigerant levels in line with the manufacturer’s recommendation, provide full re gassing, recharge and cleansing services on site at our bodyshop in Goole, East Yorkshire for all cars, vans and HGV’s.